I read an article in the local paper a couple days ago. It was about an educator name Andrew Hacker who wrote a book and is making the case that the reason many students fail in high school or on college entrance exams is their inability to learn algebra….
…. Really ? …
I’m no math wizard and I struggled with algebra, but to blame a math class, taught for 1 semester, as the reason for the failure of millions of adolescents and young adults sounds absurd. The scariest part of the article is that it stated that 1 out of 5 American students do not graduate from high school. I think our society and our education system have a lot more problems than just algebra.
I was crusin’ UrbanDictionary.com and ran across a new name for an independent voter. I kinda like the term …. “political agnostic”
A political agnostic is defined as “One who is a registered voter and politically informed, but is basically indifferent and non-committal toward the popular political parties (Democrat or Republican in the US). Probably believes that the political parties are so ideologically similar and so mired in their own bureaucracy that they have outlived their usefulness. Voting straight-ticket out of allegiance to a political party would be considered heresy.”
…Hmmmm…… I learn something new about myself every day ……..
Bill Maher made this comment a couple days ago:
“Europe has been real assholes about Israel,I mean, in general. The U.N., as of 2015, the United Nations Human Rights Council had issued more official condemnations of Israel than the rest of the world’s nations combined. I wonder now that Europe has been attacked four times now in a little over a year, and they say ISIS has 400 fighters that they are ready to introduce back into Europe, and they’re trying to get a dirty bomb. Maybe Europe will have a little more sympathy for what Israel goes through.”
My thoughts:
Maybe after having suffered the horrors of terrorism European nations will appreciate the tenacity and courage of the Israeli people, who face terrorism every day. The Israelis have had to fight for the very right to exist from the day their nation was founded. For nearly 60 years various factions of Islam from Nation governments to radical terrorists have tried to conquer, defeat, terrorize and destroy Israel. I also hope the people of the United States realize the same thing and demand that our government treat Israel as the friend and ally they are.
Watching the Democratic primaries in Washington and Alaska and Sanders is winning by about a 3-1 margin in Washington and 4-1 in Alaska. Looks like he’ll pick up some delegates but it doesn’t look like it will make much difference. The only real hope Sanders has is if he can get several hundred super delegates to jump ship from Clinton and support him. It happened in 2008, it could happen again.
On the Republican primary …. the “Stupidest Show on Earth” continues. Some super PAC called Make America Awesome publicized near nude photos of Trump’s wife, Melania. All I can say to that is … WHO CARES. In the past 20 years we have witnessed sexual infidelity by President Clinton and several other heads of state around the world. Also by a slew of U.S. senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, etc. I don’t think a R rated photo shoot is a negative for Ms. Trump. I think this stupid move will hurt Cruz and probably help get Trump a whole lot more free publicity. I looked at the photos and didn’t find anything offensive. I see less problem with a possible first lady who is attractive enough to appear in GQ than I do with a presidential candidate that would try to make it appear as if it is some kind of negative statement to her character, and I don’t believe that this super PAC and Cruz do not communicate about campaign strategy. Of course Donald Trump, having all the class of an auto accident, had to respond with some sort of thinly veiled threats about Heidi Cruz, so then Ted Cruz had to make tough talk to Trump to try to stick up for his wife……and bla bla bla and the stupidity rolls on ….
The cowardly and murderous bombings a couple days ago in Brussels are disgusting and sub human. Along with France and other countries we have been stepping up the attacks on ISIS since the bloody carnage in Paris last November. We need to completely decimate the sick pigs that are at the root of this vile mayhem. In 2014 President Obama vowed to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS. In 2015 he changed his verbage to “contain” ISIS. Since the Paris bloody rampage we seem to be back on the offensive in cooperation with other civilized nations. Today we killed the #2 ISIS leader. Good. Now we need to kill all the rest of those brutal animals. …..
Bernie Sanders is pushing an old idea who’s time may have returned, the Speculation Tax. His proposal would take a 50 cent tax for every $100 in value of stocks traded, and lesser amounts on other financial instruments such as bonds …. This tax makes sense. Every time something is bought or sold or gifted in this country above a minimal value a tax is due on it. Why are stocks and other financial instruments exempt?
Here’s a prediction: If the well organized groups of far left protesters that keep showing up at Donald Trump events continue what they are doing it is only a matter of time before someone (or perhaps lots of someones) will get seriously hurt of killed. If this happens the blood is on the hands of the far left. In the interest of common sense, public safety and free speech here’s a tip for the fascist left crowd:
Do not organize to attempt to disrupt anyone’s political gathering or their right to speak freely, be it Trump or anyone else. Trump is going to say a lot of stupid and disgusting things, don’t be near him or his supporters when he says them. Do not go to a place where he is speaking. Do not try to block doorways, streets or building access. Definitely do not act aggressive, foment violence or disrupt his events. I have seen footage of these thugs doing all these things and more, including destroying signs and property of Trump supporters, acting threatening and physical at Trump events, antagonizing and baiting Trump supporters and generally trying to disrupt his events. I have seen attempts to intimidate people by starting fights, forcing their way into gatherings and rushing the stage. The only purpose these actions serve is to promote fear and incite violence. If you want to tell the world how much you hate Donald Trump organize a rally somewhere else and I will join you in peaceful protest. That way everybody gets to exercise their right to freedom of speech and no one gets hurt.
Also read yesterday’s parody ……
Once upon a time there were 3 aholes. One was a very rich and loud and offensive ahole who wanted to be the most important man in the land …….
Today investment adviser and author Michael Robinson wrote this:
According to a new White House report, there’s a one-in-three chance that middle-class workers will find their job replaced by automation in the next few years.
And for working-class people, it’s even worse. Those folks face 8-in-10 odds of losing their job to automaton. Moreover, some industry analysts contend that existing automation technology – if we eliminated current financial, legal and social barriers – could automate 45% of our paid work today.
Wow, talk about technology adding to the problem of income inequality. This is the wave of the future, we better figure out a way to educate the working class with new skills and create jobs that meld with technology or the income divide will get worse.
The Raving Moderate on Income Inequality
The Grand Dragon of the KKK just endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. I presume she will immediately disavow this endorsement. A few weeks ago David Duke endorsed Donald Trump and that was all over the news. I remember Louis Farrakhan and Osama Bin Ladin endorsing Barrack Obama for president, and Clinton criticizing Obama in a debate for not clearly disavowing Ferrakhan’s endorsement. With all the intelligent people in this world that can give insightful and relevant opinions on current events why is our media going out of their way to exploit the opinions of bigoted evil people? When are we going to learn to ignore the garbage these extremists spout and relegate their opinion to the trash heap where it belongs. I don’t want to prevent their right to voice their opinion, that is everyone’s right in this country. I just would like to see our media have enough integrity to quit trying to soil the reputation of public figures like presidential candidates with the vomit of bigots and racists just for the sake of sensationalism or trying to put people they disagree with in a bad light.
I just got done reading an article on the top employers in each state. In all but 5 states the largest employers were either a healthcare provider, the state university system or Walmart. I’m not sure what that says for our economy, but I don’t think it is good. Whatever happened to manufacturing and technology? …. oh yea, I remember, it’s all gone to Asia.
I have been watching the footage over and over from the last couple of Trump rallies that were crashed by the facsist left crowd. Many of the “protesters” that were there were carrying Bernie Sanders signs. Many were obviously paid thugs. The police closed down the last rally in Chicago. I hope Sanders disavows any association to this thuggery. I don’t agree with much of what Trump says, but I don’t think anybody should be silenced by thugs rushing him on the stage or inciting violence in the crowd that is there to hear him speak. These were tactics used by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, the K.K.K. and many other murderous dictators and hate groups throughout history. If Bernie Sanders supporters want to hold a rally then do so, but do it somewhere else besides where Trump is speaking. It is evil to infringe on someone else’s right to free speech, no matter how rude it is or how much you disagree with it. What would the media reaction be if a bunch of Ted Cruz supporters crashed in on a Hillary Clinton Rally and started creating disruptive chaos and inciting violence? Maybe these bigoted pigs think that it would it be ok if the K.K.K. burst into a synagogue and began causing disruption because they don’t like what is being said?
I also keep hearing that this is Trump’s fault because he has made statements from his podium about punching people. Yes, Trump does say some offensive and stupid things. Yes he has made statements from his podium telling the crowd to fight back, but I don’t buy the argument that this violence is primarily his doing. These paid thugs from a well organized far left political organization show up at a Trump rally and intentionally try to cause chaos and violence. What do they expect Trump to tell his supporters, go ahead and let them punch you and abuse you and don’t fight back. That would be an unrealistic expectation. There has been unnecessary violence by both sides, but none of it would have happened if the thugs had not tried to disrupt Trump’s rally. The guilt lies with the people that go out of their way to try to limit someone else’s freedom of speech through their disruptive actions.
The Stupidest Show On Earth continues. The highlight (or lowlight) of the last Republican debate was Rubio and Trump hitting an all new low in childish behavior. The juvenile personal insults and irrelevant comments by both turned another debate into something that resembled a second rate reality show. Rubio looked like a little kid and Trump looked like a stiff old man with a board up his butt and his nose in the air. Both were pathetic. I have a real hard time envisioning either of them as President of the United States. Back in January I was criticizing Dana Bash for trying to get the Republicans to attack each other, but they have proven that they don’t need any help to make fools of themselves, they can do that just fine on their own.