Random Thoughts From the Middle, Past and Present
- 12.27.18 Government Shuts Down, Stock Market Drops. How Unusual
- 12.11.18 Possible Government Shutdown…Again
- 12.6.18 Playing Tariff Tag with China
- 11.17.18 California Ablaze Again. State is Helpless to Prevent Wild Fires.
- 11.12.18 Democrats Win Big in Midterm
- 11.10.18 Mass Shooting in Thousand Oaks
- 11.3.18 Dems Look for Blue Wave in Upcoming Election
- 11.2.18 2 Years In and It Still Hurts to Listen to Trump Give a Speech
- 10.24.18 Migrant Caravan Heads Toward U.S.
- 10.18.18 Voter Turnout, Democrats Get Big Jump on Republicans
- 10.8.18 Kavanaugh Confirmed to Supreme Court
- 9.22.18 Kavanaugh Accused of Sexual Assaut 30 Years Ago
- 9.11.18 Anniversary of Terrorist Attacks
- 9.10.18 Kavanaugh Debates Continue
- 9.2.18 Generational Blue Wave Coming?
- Venezuela Currency Collapse
- Hannity and Maddow, mirror images of Bigotry
- Judge Kavanaugh Nominated for Supreme Court
- Death from terrorism drops 65% world wide
- Trump meets with Kim
- Kanye speaks his mind and the media hates it
- The Tarrif Wars continue
- China Ends Term Limits
- Woman Sentenced to 5 Years for Voting
- Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un
- Throwing Rocks at Both Sides
- Trump, Trade and Tariffs on China
- Trump Bans Elephant Trophy Imports
- Republicans pass Tax Legislation
- Slavery, Domestic and World Wide
- Sexual Assault, only the tip of the iceberg
- Still no answers to the Las Vegas Massacre
- Turkey quits teaching evolution in their schools
- Trump goes to Florida to boost his image
- Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr. and Russia
- Trump defers action on DACA, wants congress to act
- North Korean nuke twice as powerful as originally reported
- Harvey and Irma and climate change
- North Korea detonates 120 KT nuke
- North Korea shoots missile over Japan
- Domestic Terrorism
- Republicans can’t figure out health care… again
- North Korea launches an ICBM
- Rachel Maddow demonstrates extremist mentality
- Trump FAKES Time magazine cover, displays it world wide
- CNN hates on Trump, how unusual
- $15 minimum wage law facing problems in Seattle
- The supreme court makes common sense out of Travel Ban nonsense
- 7% of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows
- Congressmen shot while playing baseball
- Terrorism continues, and our media ignores it!
- Treason and Trump and Comey and Clinton and Lynch and…..
- Anthem leaves the ACA in Ohio, thousands could be left without health insurance
- Trump’s First 130 Days
- Examples in Moderate Thought
- More on the ACA
- Mother of All Bombs
- Missiles in Syria
- Trump Healthcare Bill Fails
- Wells Fargo
- More on the DNC hack
- Trump, Muslims, Immigration, Vetting, Hate
- 2016 Election Analysis
- War in Syria costs 500,000 lives
- Russia hacks DNC database
- Trump elected President
- Student debt and college dropouts
- Poaching and pollution, wildlife population in danger
- Hillary, emails and Anthony Weiner
- A Party Nazi test
- Donald, Hillary and hypocracy
- Bill and Don, two of a kind.
- This time Hillary brings the hate home.
- More on income inequality
- Terrorism update
- The election, Incompetence v. Despicable
- The stock market acts weird… again
- Terrorist slaughter in Orlando
- Most of Americans would have difficulty coming up with the money to cover a $1,000 emergency
- Ted Cruz drops out of presidental race
- Algebra causes students to fail?
- Political Agnostic
- Bill Maher says “Europe has been real assholes about Isreal…”
- The “Stupidest Show on Earth” continues
- Another terrorist strike in France
- Speculation Tax
- Political Thuggrey
- The Tale of Three Aholes
- The top employers in each state
- According to a new White House report, there’s a one-in-three chance that middle-class workers will find their job replaced by automation in the next few years ….
- Hate mongers endorse both presidential canditates
- The Stupidist Show on Earth
- Bernie and income inequality
- America, oil prices and the stock market
- Voting demographics of where I live
- The Republican Debates
- The Electoral College problem
- Corporate Inversion
- Terrorist mayhem in Paris, Mali and San Bernardino
- The Ukraine, Russia and natural gas
- Obama delays deportations
- Oil prices and Russia and Cuba
- Less than 1% of the wealthiest Californians pay about 40% of California’s personal income taxes …
- Moderates actually decide elections? Well, yea….
- We give money to two governments that continually try to kill each other….
- EPA kills California solar project
- Super committee, stupid committee, no budget yet
- Obama’s budget defeated 97-0
- Brown wants Californians to pay more taxes, how unusual
- Everybody now drills in the Gulf of Mexico except US
- Republicans block bill that would stop congressional insider trading
- Obama vetoes Keystone Pipeline
- Riots in Greece
- LAUSD give teacher jailed for lewd acts upon children $40,000 after being fired.