FBI director Comey has decided to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail fiasco. The reason for this is because he found some of Hillery Clinton’s e-mails on Anthony Wiener’s computer. Really? Anthony Wiener? Really? The guy who sent pictures of his private parts to under age girls. Really?
This would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic. For all the ignorant, sexist, perverted crap Donald Trump has pulled it seems that Hillary and her entourage are equally messed up. This is absurd. At best this is total incompetence, at worst it ties Hillary to negligence concerning government information. Is it criminal? Who knows.
The ongoing defense by various media outlets of both candidates despite their various actions of stupidity, prejudice and incompetence brings to light the term Party Nazi. This election has been a perfect example of what the Party Nazi’s will do and how total pieces of crap get elected to office and stay in office. Here’s a Party Nazi test. If you’re a Democrat would you vote for Anthony Wiener or, let’s pick any average Republican senator congressman or governor, and insert his name here and then take your pick. Let’s insert a few names. Would you vote for Anthony Wiener or Scott Walker for governor or senator? Would you vote for Anthony Wiener or Jeb Bush?
Just to be fair lets turn it around. Does anybody remember Republican Senator Mark Foley. If not this will remind you –
Just over one month before the 2006 midterm elections, ABC News reported that Florida Republican Foley had sent several sexually explicit e-mails to teenage congressional pages. He referred to one of the pages as “my favorite young stud” and told him that he was “never too busy” to “spank it.” Foley abruptly resigned in disgrace.
– – -(Alternet.org, 2009)
Knowing this, if you are a Republican, would you vote for Mark Foley or for, let’s say… Diane Feinstein for your Senator?
I have given examples of two obvious sexual deviants that clearly should not hold any kind of public office and put them against a decent, respectable member of the “other” party. How would you vote under those circumstances? If you discovered that you cannot cross party lines and would have voted for the sexual deviant instead of a member of the “other” party then perhaps you should consider how hypocritical and disposable your own morals are based on your own bigotry.
And speaking of hypocrisy ….. isn’t it amazing how Hillary Clinton, who a few weeks ago gave Comey a public verbal butt-kissing for his thorough investigation, is now condemning him for actually wanting to investigate. On the other hand we have Donald Trump who called Comey about every insult he could think of is now talking about his respect for Comey and praising him for his professionalism. It is really sad for America when we realize that one of these two twits will be our president next year.
The presidential election has been over since the Billy Bush tapes became public on October 7th. They showed a side of Donald Trump that makes it clear what a egotistical dipsh-t he really is. Of course, we must remember that as vile as Trumps words are Hillary’s husband committed equally vile acts, and when the women that he violated spoke up about it she used every resource available to the President of the United States to destroy those women publicly and privately. Bill and Donald are 2 of a kind, both equally self-centered vile creeps, and by defending her husband Hillary condoned his actions. In accepting bill Clinton’s actions Hillary has no room to condemn Trump or anyone else on morality (Trump’s words and actions are disgusting, Hillary’s defense of the same actions by Bill is equally disgusting). Neither Donald or Hillary should be running for president of this country. This election is pathetic. For the first time in my life I am considering a protest vote by voting for a candidate from one of the minor parties.
Yesterday I saw a political ad produced by Clinton’s campaign that tries to tie Trump to the KKK. It was a bogus commercial with a bunch of stock pictures of the KKK with someone talking about Trump. Back in March the California Grand Dragon of the KKK stated that he supported Clinton for President and about the same time David Duke stated that he supported Trump. I called out our media for even giving air time to these hate mongers. Now Hillary, or some political pact that supports her, has taken her campaign, and our political process, to a new low by actually paying for this kind of hateful crap to be produced and brought into your living room. What this has done is show her true character, which is apparently pretty vile.
This election is a pretty pitiful affair. Hillary’s actions have proven over and over that she is not capable of serving as president, and Trump’s babbling rhetoric has convinced me that he is not either. Nothing good can come from this election. Whichever candidate we elect, we will be getting the wrong choice. No matter which one wins the election, the real loser will be America.